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Chapter Eight


The Book

The Bible is unique among all books. In fact, "The Bible" literally means, "The Book". Not just a book, but "THE" book. So what makes this book so different from others?


The Bible is different from all other works of literature in its continuity. Especially when we consider the following:


1. It was written over a 1,500-year span.


2. It was written spanning over 40 generations.


3. Written by over 40 authors from every walk of life including kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, and scholars of different educational levels.


4. Written in different places - the wilderness, a dungeon, in traveling, the island of Patmos, or from a palace.


5. Written at different times - in times of war and of peace.


6. Different moods - joy, sorrow, and despair.


7. Written on three continents - Asia, Africa, and Europe.


8. Written in three languages - Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.


9. It covers hundreds of controversial subjects (A controversial subject is one that would create opposing opinions when mentioned, addressed, or discussed)


No other book can claim these unique characteristics.


Now, this would typically present a whole lot of opportunities for different thoughts, mindsets, opinions, beliefs, worldviews and the like to be expressed, and yet, contrary to popular belief, with all the variables we just reviewed, we find no opposing arguments or conflicting views. Instead, we find unparalleled unity on any given subject. There is such a unity of thought as to show the singleness of "one" mind, inspired through its pages. Thus, the Bible has many authors, covering many centuries, yet these individuals compiled one book, that in itself is truly amazing. Our present Congress and Senate cannot even all agree on one subject of importance in one session, of any one given year. Now, this doesn't prove the Bible is the Word of God, or that God exists but does factually show the Bible is unique among books.


The Bible is very unique in its circulation. It has been read by more people and published in more languages than any other book in existence. Period.


The Bible is also unique in its translation. In that, it was the first major book to be translated. It has now been translated into more languages than any other book.


The Bible is also unique in its survival. Having been written on material that perishes, it was continually copied and re-copied for thousands of years before the invention of the printing press, it did not diminish in its style, correctness, or existence. The Bible, compared with other ancient writings, has more manuscript evidence than any 10 pieces of classical (which are not as old) literature combined.


The Jewish people preserved it as no other manuscript has ever been preserved. With scriptures in hand, they kept tabs on every letter, syllable, word, and paragraph. They had special classes of men within their culture whose sole duty was to preserve and transmit these documents with practically perfect fidelity. If there was one copy error the whole work was thrown out and that scribe started over. Such careful detail has not been given to any other written word.

The Bible has gone through many attacks to be wiped out, burned, banned, and outlawed, and yet, it remains indestructible, having endured such onslaughts.




Textual Reliability

Bibliographical text is the examination of the textual transmission by which documents reach us. In other words, since we do not have the original documents, how reliable are the copies that we do have with regard to the number of manuscripts and the time interval between the original and extant copy?


Consider this, the Bible has more than 5,300 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, 10,000 Latin Vulgate translations, at least 9,300 earlier versions, and more than 24,000 manuscript copies of portions of New Testament in existence. We presently have New Testament copies that date only a little over a generation from the original documents.


Homer's "Iliad" is second with only a mere 643 total manuscripts that have survived over the centuries. It is also important to note that the earliest copy we have from Homer's original document has a span of 1,400 years between them.


This should easily demonstrate the wealth of present copies with which to compare to one another and determine the accuracy of what we have sitting at home on a shelf, coffee table, car seat, or back of the pew.


This is even more amazing when we understand the many attempts throughout history to eliminate what manuscripts and evidence of work existed, and the many libraries of antiquity that were destroyed, along with the cities they were in, through various wars and enemy invasions. Libraries that may have held more extra-biblical works of historical record, eyewitness accounts, and even possibly original manuscripts.


When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, among the find was the complete text of Isaiah, making it 1000 years older than any other manuscript copies that we had previously possessed up to that time. In comparing these copies with the discovered Dead Sea Scroll copy dating 1000 years prior, it was revealed that the accuracy was so complete as to have only a variance between them equivalent to one word. This demonstrated the utmost care and detail that was applied in producing an exact copy from the previous.


It is possible at this point for someone, specifically critics and skeptics of the Bible, upon reading this, to immediately jump at the chance to point to the previous statement as ammunition and justification for their belief that the Bible does have errors, and if the Bible has errors then it cannot be the "inerrant" Word of God. And if not God's words then merely the words of men. This, of course, is the ultimate goal and desire which has driven men in their attack on Scripture. If stripped of its supernatural authorship and authority, it is then reduced to nothing more than the mere book they believe, or want it to be. The stuff of legend, folklore, and fairy tales. But this conclusion would be wrong. So, before anyone pops a cork, throws a party, or gets their undies all twisted up, let's take a moment to address this.


The original manuscripts, written as far back as 3,500 years ago on perishable material such as papyrus, no longer exist. What we presently have are the painstakingly made copies of those originals that have survived over time. We have copies of copies made from copies and so on. Until the printing press a few centuries ago, all copies had to be done by hand. This was done tens of thousands of times with regard to scripture. What people often point to as errors are nothing more than scribal errors in grammar and spelling which have no effect or bearing on the message, story, or point being made.



As a demonstration, look at the following examples:


And God s*id, "Let there be light!"

And God said, "Let *here be light!"

And *od said, "Let there be light!"



Upon first reading, most would understand any of the three lines and know what is being said. The message did not change. The point is still clear. Comprehension is not lost. But if it is not clear or understood then we could compare them to the other thousands of copies that are available. Upon doing so, we would be able to determine what is the missing letter,  or misspelled word. In our case it is, "And God said, Let there be light!"


Most scribal errors have been resolved in this manner. Today we have a spell checker in our word processors for a reason. It is not as simple as one thinks. To conclude though that a human spelling error somehow negates the whole book and its message as from God is quite silly. It is hard to imagine in our hip-hop, rapper day and age, to say that misspelling somehow nullifies the inspiration behind, the thought, intent, and the mind and message of the original author. After all:


"I luv u 2 def" doesn't seem to get lost with today's listener.


In fact, here is a fun exercise. Only 55 out of 100 can read this. If you can, you have a great mind:


i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


What we may not assume is that God made an error in inspiring the original text. St. Augustine correctly noted that when we run into a so-called "error" in the Bible, we must assume two things:


1. Either the manuscript was not copied correctly

2. We have not understood it rightly


When someone says the Bible has contradictions, most cannot give an example. Those that do often are only parroting the same tired examples they probably heard. It is not to say that there are not some difficult Bible passages, but again, homework can resolve our question or issue with that particular passage in most cases. There are, however, some things we just don't have an answer for if we are to be honest. We must admit that the Bible is not clearly understood on every account. But that should not be interpreted as anything more than that we just do not have full knowledge. Nor should that give any individual a license to reject all Scripture due to a relatively small portion that we are just not able to presently gain satisfying answers for.


A prime example would be Leviticus 11:20. A particularly favorite one used by Bible critics in their desire to demonstrate that Scripture, the writer of Leviticus, and ultimately God is either in error, mistaken, not really knowing what they are talking about. In this portion of Leviticus, we find dietary laws that are being given. After the initial basic Hebrew word study, we understand that this verse is, in fact, referencing flying insects that creep. With glee, critics point to the fact that all insects have six legs, not four. A technically correct answer. But here is actually a "case in point" of myopic thinking that interferes with any analytical process that would lend itself to a solution. Most critics are content with proclaiming the obvious, insects have six legs. Bravo! That is as far as they feel they need to go in solving this issue or making their case. The Bible is wrong. Argument over. Give me a "high five!"


Wait, not so fast!


For those who are more interested in truly finding an answer than a quick "smackdown", allow me to show you, using this as an example, how to exercise a broader realm of your capacity to think and see if we are not able to draw some reasonable, rational conclusions to this difficult passage.


Let's first offer what would seem to be more of a direct answer that critics may be more receptive to and appreciate. Although all insects that we are presently aware of have six legs, science itself has "classified" some insects as "quadrupeds", meaning four-legged. An example would be the "Praying Mantis", a flying insect that does in fact have "six" appendages but only four of them that have been classified as legs used for mobility. In other words, to walk or “creep” along when not in flight.  If man is capable of classifying insects as quadrupeds, having four legs, then I do not see an issue with God being able to do the same, do you?


This demonstrates that having six appendages does not necessarily mean they are classified as legs for mobility, as the Praying Mantis demonstrates. This leads me to the first possible resolution. Not all insects use all six appendages to move about, therefore the number classified as legs used to "creep" could be four with the other two appendages having other primary uses or none at all when in motion. This portion of Scripture is only specific in stating that these particular flying insects creep upon all four. All four being those used for such purposes.

This lends itself to another reasonable solution. God was addressing a people that had only known a life of slavery in a foreign land for hundreds of years. Although intelligent, few were actually educated. 

They were headed to a land they had never known. It is not unreasonable to suggest that God was looking to communicate with them on their level of knowledge and in practical, simple terms. What these people would easily understand and be able to observe and identify would be those insects that crawled or crept on four of however many legs or appendages they had. This was more important and expedient than to satisfy the demands of the scientifically or academically pure of heart. This is a logical consideration.


And lastly, we are talking about a time period almost 4,000 years ago. The terrain was much different back then from at we know it to be today. It was a region that was lush and fertile, teeming with varied life. Much of it disappeared long ago. Who is to say that there were not at one time, and at that time, certain species of insects, specific to that region alone (as there are today) that were in fact four-legged, but have since become extinct? When we consider what we presently know in the life sciences that have become extinct such as the Rocky Mountain Locust to the right (and surely we are not aware of everything that has disappeared), and new discoveries of life today that we didn't even know existed, is it not possible that there were such things in the past? This would seem to be a  very plausible answer that we should consider. 

Rocky Mountain Locust_edited.jpg
The recently extinct Rocky Mountain Locust

Most arguments, with regard to the Bible, focus on the trivial in a desire to make a point. Those that would scream that the Bible is "corrupt" need to define what they mean. This is not an uncommon theme among Muslims to better position the Koran (which didn't exist until over 500 years after the New Testament was written and in wide circulation) above Scripture. Mostly a taught phrase they learn from their teachers. They hold a strange position of venerating Scripture yet simultaneously rejecting it. Few have the ability, freedom, or interest to study this claim of "corruption" in order to validate or invalidate it.


Unlike any other "sacred" book, the Bible has been dissected to the point of including footnotes where there may be uncertainty as to its origin so as not to mislead. Nothing has been hidden or covered up. Try that with the Koran without incident.


The Bible is inerrant in that it is not in error with what is true, especially with regard to spiritual laws and reality. An error is a mistake. We are not talking about spelling mistakes, we are talking about truth mistakes. It has never been demonstrated that the Bible has stated something as a truth that man has discovered to be a lie, wrong or inaccurate. Although many have attempted, and many wish to do so, it hasn't happened. Thus, the Bible is the unerring truth of God.


The preservation of this book is like no other, and yet the Bible is so much more than this. 

If the Bible is reliable then regarding its textual accuracy, the next logical step then would be to test what can be tested regarding what it says.


Although the Bible is not a history book, it contains a lot of history that we can investigate as to its accuracy. The Bible is not a science or medical book, and yet before any existed we find the Bible addressing these topics. We can see how right the writers of the Bible were. It is not a police record and yet it does have eyewitness accounts that we can look to verify. The Bible has made past prophetic claims that we are told were inspired, or given by God Himself. We should be able to confirm as to whether any actually ever came to pass. Since we are told that only an omniscient God knows the future, I would think this subject alone, if it does not have any actual recorded event in history as coming to pass would disqualify the Bible as being from God.  


So, with all of this in mind, let's take a further look under the hood!


Archaeology is an information stream that applies tangible, hard evidence to recorded Scripture. The field of archaeology is a fascinating one that has a wealth of biblical discovery that is worth diving into beyond our brief overview here. 


Countless examples of archaeological discoveries have only given credence to the truthfulness of the Bible, in strengthening, not weakening the historical reality and facts found within its pages. The fascinating field of archaeology has unearthed a wealth of historical artifacts and records. From uncovering tablets, scrolls, inscriptions, whole cities, towns, tombs, and palaces, to gravesites and battlefields that have brought to life ancient civilizations, cultures, and historical events.


The amount of discovered archaeological finds that correspond with Scripture is way too numerous to present here. One will find this portion of scriptural study and verification an amazingly fantastic journey in itself.


William Albright has a reputation as one of the great archaeologists of our time. He stated,


"There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition. The excessive skepticism shown toward the Bible by important historical schools of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, certain phases of which still appear periodically, has been progressively discredited. Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition to the value of the Bible as a source of history."


The archaeologist's spade has validated the historical record found in Scripture of the existence of civilizations that all but disappeared from the pages of human history if it were not for their recorded appearance in the Bible. The Hittites, the Jebusites, Ammonites, the Assyrians, the Canaanites, the Herodians, Amorites, the Philistines, the Perizzites, and the Hivites are some of the tribes and nations of people of the Middle East and ancient world that rose to prominence and vanished under the sands of time.


One of the best and most often used examples of some of these fascinating archaeological finds that have demonstrated the historical reliability of the Bible is King Sargon. The only existing literature of antiquity to ever mention Sargon's name is found in the Bible, and only once. It is found in Isaiah 20:1, written over 2,700 years ago. For centuries critics, determined to show that the Bible was with error and therefore could not possibly be divinely written, pointed to this portion of Scripture in making their case. Here was a name found in the Bible of a king never known to have ever existed. No records, no remains, nothing! That was, of course, until 1842.

King Sargon.jpg

Digging on the north edge of Nineveh, in Khorsabad, Paul Emil Botta unearthed Sargon's palace. It turned out to be an amazing find. This complex covered 25 acres. Sargon's palace had reception halls, winged animals, sculptures, tons of artifacts, and numerous inscriptions. Of the inscriptions Sargon had etched in stone at his palace, was the following account:


"Azuri, king of Ashdod, planned in his heart not to pay tribute. In my anger, I marched against Ashdod... I conquered Ashdod, Gath. I settled in them people from the lands of the east. I received tribute from Philistia, Judah, Edom, and Moab."


Isaiah 20:1 states that Sargon sent Tartan, the commander of his Assyrian army, to fight Ashdod. And it was corroborated by Sargon himself through the inscription he had ordered to be made centuries ago. Thus, the voice of history vindicated what was once considered an "error", and a falsehood of a fictitious character of the Bible. It turns out that Sargon, king of Assyria, was one of the greatest and most powerful rulers of antiquity. He was the first to create a multi-ethnic state. He reigned for 56 years and had invaded every known city in the Middle East at the time. The discovery silenced the critics.

Sargon Find.jpg
Excavation at the entrance of Sargon's Palace
Now on museum disply

It is said that archaeologists have only uncovered 30% of what can be unearthed of man's ancient past in the lands of the Middle East, the Mediterranean region, and Europe. These, along with the story of Sargon are good reminders for today's skeptics. Like those skeptics of the past, it only took a matter of time for a future discovery to make them out to be a fool.



How many of us still remember the little Sunday school song about the "walls of Jericho" as they came tumbling down?


A British archaeologist named Kathleen Kenyon re-excavated Jerico in the 1950s. Using more modern methods not previously available to the German discovers in 1907, it was found that the pile of bricks was in fact the city wall. The literal walls of the historical city of Jericho did come down. They fell out flat making it rather easy for a surrounding army to march right on into the city. This is exactly what Joshua 6:20 states in Scripture.

Jerico Wall

The actual cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were discovered along the shore near the southern end of the Dead Sea east of Jerusalem. They were still visible up through the first century before being covered over. The evidence around the area pointing to their demise corresponds to the description found in Genesis.

One can still pick up sulfur pellets which are the remnants of what the Bible calls brimstone. The brimstone or sulfur pellets are composed of 99% pure sulfur. Such pure concentrations of sulfur have not been found anywhere else in the world.

Sodom & Gomorrah

The "Tel Dan Inscription" is a fragment from the First Temple Period of a large monumental inscription that was discovered during an excavation of the ancient city of Dan. This piece is the first uncovered written reference, outside of Scripture, that mentions the “House of David", referring to King   David's dynasty. The inscription dates to the 9th century B.C. Apparently, it was part of a monument that was erected by the king of Aram to mark a victory over his enemies. Two additional fragments were recovered in June of 1994. The partially reconstructed texts state the following:

[ ... ...] and cut [ ... ] [ ... ] my father went up [against him when] he fought at [ ... ] And my father lay down, he went to his [ancestors]. And the king of Israel entered previously in my father's land. [And] Hadad made me king. And Hadad went in front of me, [and] I departed from [the] seven [ ...-]s of my kingdom, and I slew [seve]nty kin[gs], who harnessed thou[sands of cha-]  riots and thousands of horsemen (or: horses). [I killed Jeho] ram son of [Ahab] king of Israel, and [I] killed [Ahaz] iahu son of [Jehoram kin-] g of the House of David. And I set [their towns into ruins and turned] their land into [desolation ...] other [... and Jehu ru-] led over Is [rael ... and I laid] siege upon [...] [6]

Tel Dan Inscription

The reason this is a crucial find is much like the situation with Sargon and critics of the past. Today's critics were of the mind that if David was such a historical figure, there should have been ample record of his reign outside of Scripture. Therefore the absence of any pointed to David as being fictional. But more importantly, it was to show that the Bible is not divinely inspired. And once again, if not divinely inspired then merely a book of stories. This is the goal. However, they continue to ignore evidence that defies their belief. 


Let us consider a few more examples of reality.

Caiaphas Ossurary

While constructing a water theme park in Israel, workers accidentally uncovered an ancient tomb. Inside were several limestone ossuaries (bone boxes) used back in the day. One specific ossuary had beautiful carvings on it that identified a person of honor in the Jewish religious system. An inscription written twice on this box read, "Joseph son of Caiaphas." The historian Josephus identified "Joseph Caiaphas", whom he also referred to as "Joseph who was called Caiaphas of the high priesthood" (Jewish Antiquite, 18:35, 95) as being the high priest from 18-36 A.D. The same Caiaphas Jesus was brought before for trial and the same Caiaphas who condemned him. Historical records state that the high priest during this time period was commonly named Joseph, but was called and referred to by the family name of Caiaphas. The discovery of his remains brings us one step closer to reasonably seeing scripture as real, truthful, trustworthy and correct.

There have been literally hundreds of Hebrew seals and impressions unearthed in the past 100 years. The hardened clay seal impressions are called "bullae". Official documents written on papyrus were rolled up with the ends flattened and tied with string. Then the string would be sealed with a lump of clay that was stamped with the signet ring of the owner of that document or of its writer. An unbroken seal such as this verified the document as being genuine and untampered with and guaranteeing its contents. There are clay bullae that have survived long after the papyrus and string that the bullae had sealed shut disintegrated over time. In some cases, a partial string was still embedded on the underside of the bullae.


One such bullae found during the 1970s contained the stamp and name of the scribe of Jeremiah. The Jeremiah many are familiar with in Scripture. This bulla is now on display in the Israel Museum. A single line borders the impression and is divided by double horizontal lines into three registers bearing the following inscription:


lbrkyhw belonging to Berechiah

bn nryhw son of Neriah

hspr the scribe


The script used is the pre-exilic ancient Hebrew linear script. Reading Hebrew from right to left, the first letter, Heb (l), is the preposition "to, belonging to," and the last three letters, Heb. (yhw) is a shortened form of the name of God, Heb. (yhwh), and the shortened form was likely pronounced, "yahu." Baruch's name means, "Blessed of the Lord (Yahweh)." This bulla has been authenticated as from the impression of Baruch ben Neriah, the scribe who wrote to the dictation of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 36:4).


Dr. Avigad expressed his personal feelings as he worked with the Baruch Bulla, as having the feeling "of personal contact with persons who figure prominently in the dramatic events in which the giant figure of Jeremiah and his faithful follower Baruch were involved at a most critical time preceding the downfall of Judah."

Pontius Pilate was the fifth governor of Judea, under whose governance Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. He was appointed by the emperor Tiberius in 26 A.D. Although Pilate is also mentioned in the works of historian Josephus, Philo, and Tacitus, and coins issued during his governance exist, inscriptional evidence for Pilate was discovered in Italian excavations at Caesarea Maritima in 1961. Antonio Frova, director of the excavations, found a dedicatory stone that bore a three-line inscription:


Tiberieum/[Pon]tius Pilatus/[Praef]ectus Iuda[eae], "Tiberius [the Roman emperor of the period]/Pontius Pilate/Prefect of Judea."


The inscription not only confirms the historicity of Pilate, it clarifies the title that he bore as governor. It is now on display in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Pottery fragment found with Goliath in Gath hometown of Goliath 1 Samuel 17  4.jpg

The oldest Philistine inscription ever found by archaeologists was unearthed in the village of Gath, Goliath's hometown. A shard of pottery, dated around 950 B.C. has put it within 70 years that Scripture states the battle between David and this giant of a man took place. Why the significance? Incredibly, the inscription found on this shard bears the name of.... "Goliath". What are the odds? Lending credence to the story and Goliath as more than a myth.

Jezebel, the wife of Ahab, had Naboth killed, the prophets of God slain, and threatened Elijah's life. She ultimately came to a violent death. This individual is found in 1 Kings. Jezebel's seal, pictured on the right, was recovered by the archaeologist's spade.

The seal was anonymously donated to the Israel Department of Antiquities in 1964. As a result, archaeologists have been unable to determine where the seal was recovered. 

The discovery of the personal seal of one of the greatest villains in the Bible once again strengthens confidence in the historical accuracy of the Biblical record.


Rameses II

The Book of Exodus gives us a vivid, historical account of the deliverance of the Jewish people from Egypt that some would claim as fiction.


Critics have had issues with when this took place, where it took place, if ever, and the apparent lack of evidence. As well as it showing the demonstration of God's intervention which critics also take issue with. Such events as the showdown of Moses and Pharaoh with the ten plagues, the exodus of Israel from Egypt, and their escape miraculously through the Red Sea as the waters were divided, and then ultimately crashing upon the Egyptian charioteers as they tried to cross in pursuit. There are books that deal strictly with the debate and defense of this subject which one can check out and so we will not delve into those depths here other than to say that archaeology continues to give credence to the reality of people, places, and events. The picture to the left is the mummified remains of Rameses II, who is considered by historians as the Pharoah that Moses confronted during this showdown. Here we get to actually look upon the face of the very man Moses stood before thousands of years earlier. It is quite remarkable to put a face with the name.


One of the most recent and stunning discoveries to send shockwaves within archaeology and beyond came about in 2002. A first-century, limestone ossuary surfaced with a stunning inscription engraved upon it. A simple line with major implications. It reads "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus", becoming the first discovery with direct reference to Jesus. James was not only Jesus' brother and of the twelve disciples, he was the first leader or apostle of the church in Jerusalem.

One of the Egyptian chariot wheels discovered at the bottom of the Red Sea


The box itself was authenticated as genuine and of the time period but a firestorm brewed over the inscription. The archaeological community was divided. Some claimed forgery, others considered it genuine. Unexplained events took place, bias-tainted reports, and the box was placed in question. Finally, in 2006, after conducting his investigation, Professor Wolfgang E. Krumbein, of Oldenburg University, Germany, a world-renowned authority and expert in geology, geochemistry, and microbiology, presented his findings and submitted his report. The conclusion was that the ossuary and inscription were the real deal. 


Some of the problems facing archaeologists are that few in the Arab/Muslim nations, which make up most of the ancient lands of the Bible, find it in their best interest not to give permission to explore or remove artifacts that would naturally lend support to Scripture for obvious reasons. Numerous finds have disappeared while others are put off-limits to outsiders. 

James Ossuary

Nevertheless, the fact is we could actually do this all day long. 


Archeology has enabled us to establish the historicity of Biblical content. Whether it be the reality of the existence of the earliest cities the Bible mentions, such as Ur and Nippur, or Ninevah, Babylon, Asshur, Tyre, and Smyrna. Or, of people such as David, Peter, Caiaphas, Herod, or Zechariah. And finds that corroborate events like Jerusalem's destruction or Israel's Babylonian capture and captivity. Real places, real people, real events. The Bible has been in many ways a road map that archaeologists have used in their pursuit for ancient discovery, and for historians looking to piece the past together. Time and again archaeology has validated the Bible as accurate and true. So much so that we go to Scripture time and again to learn about man's past. 

On this topic, the Bible has proven to be reliable, factual and true.

When the book "The DaVinci Code" was written, it mixed real, historical places and people with fictional characters and events. Many people accepted this book as "gospel" even though the writer himself stated that it was a work of fiction. He crafted the two together so well people could not distinguish the blurred lines between truth and fiction. It did not take long for historians and others to dispute "The DaVinci Code" and point out the errors in a flurry of books, TV, and video presentations that preceded.  This is what we find absent in the archaeological and historical records with regard to Scripture. What we do not find are writings contemporary to the time to dispute what was recorded. That in itself speaks volumes.


This is where other sacred, religious, or stated as divinely inspired books such as "The Book of Mormon" fail completely. When tested under the same conditions as being factual, historically reliable, and truthful, we find no archaeological evidence or historical means by which to validate any events or claims found within its pages. Consequently bringing into question the authenticity of even being from or inspired by God. That conclusion would have to be "no".


Biblical Science & Medicine

The Bible is not necessarily a science book or a medical journal, however, it does touch on these topics. Let's take a brief look at what Scripture says about science, for if Scripture is from and inspired by a creative God, then those passages should be correct. 


Let's look at some examples.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics basically comes down to this, the physical, the material universe is in a state of decay, going from structure to less. From order to chaos. Nothing remains in its original state. Everything is aging and wearing out. Believe me, I can attest to that each time I look in the mirror. But long before scientists were putting this concept down in descriptive words, this was already revealed and expressed in the Bible:



"Of old have you (talking about God) laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They shall perish, but you shall endure; yes all of them shall become like an old garment (the process of entropy), as a vesture shall you change them, and they shall be changed." Psalms 102:25-26 written 3,000 years ago.


"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall grow old (wear out) like a garment…" Isaiah 51:6 was written 2,700 years ago.


Meteorological Science has studied and mapped the flow of the air currents around the world. We have seen them on the nightly news as the weatherman attempts to point out the airflow across the U.S. and how it will affect the weather in the particular area we may be living in. Yet this field of science only came around to the truth of what was already revealed in Scripture, written several thousands of years prior to "science" validating it:


"The wind goes toward the south, and turns about to the north; it whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits (route)." Ecclesiastes 1:6


This was written by Solomon who had asked God for wisdom and was given insight into things not possible to know at the time, outside of God's revelation of it.

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Hydrology is the field of science that focuses on the waters of the earth. The earth's water cycle of distribution, flow, evaporation, rain, and so on.  Pierre Perrault's work in experimental hydrology in 1674 laid the foundation for this field of scientific study. He may have considered his work a revolutionary breakthrough, yet the true foundation for this field of study is found in Scripture, written more than 2,000 years before he was born:


"All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; unto the place from where the rivers come, there they return again." Ecclesiastes 1:7


"If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth…" Ecclesiastes 11:3


"…He that calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth; The Lord is His name." Amos 9:6


What is clearly illustrated here is the cycle of water poured upon the earth, the rivers filled and poured out into the sea and the waters of the sea taken up as rain clouds to be poured back out upon the earth again with the rivers once again being filled. Thus, completing the circuit, or cycle, of hydrating the earth. Men of science again have verified Scripture.


Oceanography refers to the study of the oceans of the world. One oceanographer in the 1800's, by the name of Matthew Maury, read in Psalms 8:8 that the seas have "paths". It is a small portion of Scripture that may go unnoticed by most unless you are an oceanographer. That the seas would have paths that they follow sparked Matthew Maury to investigate whether this was in fact true. His work and investigation to find these paths uncovered and provided the mapping of the cold and warm water currents of the oceans that we understand today to exist. His work remains the basic foundation of text for today's oceanographic studies. Here is another example of a scientist who believed in Scripture and set out to discover what David wrote, having obviously been given insight and understanding by God and thus inspired the words of worship in Psalms 8:8. 

There was an article written on April 19, 2007, for with the headline entitled," Sun's Atmosphere Sings". The article referred to a study by the Royal Astronomical Society where they revealed at their national meeting in Lancashire, England, that the looping magnetic fields along the Sun's outer regions carry magnetic sound waves similar to musical instruments such as guitars or pipe organs. And that these sound waves make music. Thus, the sun sings or makes music. What I have found more interesting is how accepting the astronomical community has been to receive this "new" revelation that may otherwise have been thought of as far-fetched, if it were from any other source. Why have I found it interesting? It is not because it is wrong, it is because those that read the Bible have always understood that creation praises God, sings, and groans:


"Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the heights. Praise Him, all you angels; praise Him, all you hosts. Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him all you stars of light. Praise Him you heavens of heavens, and you waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord; for He commanded, and they were created..." (Psalms 128:1-5)


David understood 3,000 years ago that all creation has the ability to praise its Creator. To make noise and to sing. But since this was found in Scripture it smacked of religious stupidity for the ignorant and uneducated. Yet, now that science has stated the same thing it apparently doesn't sound so stupid after all. Demonstrating again the fact that men are not simply getting around to legitimizing God's Word but in reality only now getting around to understanding the truth of it.


"Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up your loins like a man; for I will demand of you, and answer me. Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Declare if you have understanding. Who has laid the measures of it, if you know? Or who has stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together (all the infinite suns in space that are suns to planets and solar systems as our sun is to us, that usher in the morning and daylight, are referred to as morning stars)..." Job 38:1-7


"For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now." Romans 8:22


Thousands of years passed before science eventually confirmed these things to be true. 


Astronomers have told us that the universe is expanding. They are correct because the Bible is correct:


"Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with honor and majesty, who covers yourself with light as with a garment; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain." (Psalms 104:2, written about three thousand years ago.)


In the last 100 years or so the medical field has come to understand the powerful connection between mental health and physical health. A relationship that has been preached from pulpits of churches for centuries:


"A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." Proverbs 17:22


"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance…The light of the eyes (eyes are windows to our soul or mental facility) rejoices the heart, and a good report makes the bones fat.” Proverbs 15:12, 30


"Pleasant words (the power of words to make us feel good or depressed) are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones (our body)." Proverbs 16:24


"A sound heart is the life of the flesh, but envy is the rottenness of the bones." Proverbs 14:30


We find in the Old Testament numerous times where God taught Israel important basic hygiene, sanitation, health and dietary laws for a healthier lifestyle, unheard of in their day and in some cases, thousands of years ahead of their time.

A quick example would be Leviticus 15:13. In dealing with some hygiene issues, God commanded that they bathe, or be washed specifically in running water. Today we now commonly understand that washing hands in running water rather than stagnant water reduces bacteria. But it wasn't until 1847 that there was a correlation made between washing hands and reducing the spread of bacteria between doctors and patients. That discovery was by a Hungarian physician by the name of Dr. Ignaz Semmelwies. Despite his publications on this, it wasn't until years after his death in 1865 that it gained widespread acceptance in the medical field when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory. Once again, science and medicine reaffirm Scripture.  


We find then that the Scriptures that we have been told were revelations given by God in these areas have turned out to be scientifically and medically correct many centuries later. This lends credence to the notion that this revealed truth could only really come from one source with knowledge on these things, God. 


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Prophecy may be the single most significant topic that separates the Bible from all other books, and specifically any other religiously held "sacred" book, period! Prophecy is the supernatural component found within Scripture that is unmatched. 


The word "prophesy" conjures different thoughts and ideas with people. Some point to the "for-hire" palm readers, psychics, and fortune-tellers, advertised 800 and 900 numbers to call in for a "word" on the future.

The magazine racks at the grocery counter will annually have an issue of top predictions for the coming year.


There should be a distinction however made between predictions based on personal views and beliefs, professional opinions or forecasts, self-proclamation or self-prophesying with those predictions or prophetic messages of yet future events that are put forward as divinely inspired.

Comedian Johnny Carson as Karnak the Magnificant

My mother could predict rather well. She would tell me to knock it off (whatever I was doing that she didn't like) or I'd "get it". There were numerous times that I "got it". Some of you know what I mean. Her prediction came true. This was a self-proclaimed, self-fulfilling kind. She could bring about a future event and had the ability to do so and did.  I can attest to that. But not always did those predictions come about. She had control over that. So sometimes they were fulfilled, sometimes they weren't. Oh, a mother's prerogative. So it is noted that this type of predictive message is of human origin, control, and fulfillment.


We have plenty of sports analysts who attempt to predict outcomes of games, final scores, player performances, bowl match-ups, and such. These things are based sometimes on logic, statistics, known past records, and trends. It is mixed with personal favorites, views on team strengths and weaknesses, and so on. Ultimately, they are best guesses that they neither control, command nor can predict with absolute accuracy each and every time. That is why betters lose bets. The reason being is that these are not derived from seeing the future before it happens. Most of the time people understand that these individuals are only giving their opinion. These predictions are basically one's viewpoint and of human origins. 


There is the "common sense" type of prediction (sometimes we call these "wise sayings") such as: "If you play with fire long enough you're gonna get burned" Again, it is not seeing into the future but rather a matter of mathematics. Will it always happen every time? No, but the percentage continues to increase with each incident.


Every decade has had its "experts" and "prophets" warning of coming catastrophe. In 1968 it was a  book entitled "The Population Bomb" by Paul Ehrich, that predicted that the 1970s would see a  population explosion that the world would not be able to feed, thus producing massive starvation, famine, and death in the untold millions. The '70s came and went, as did the prediction. Is there starvation? Yes, there always has been. It has never been because man has not been able to produce enough, it has been due to the few men leading those hungry nations that find no personal or financial benefit in doing so. 


There were stock market crash predictions in the 1980s along with oil shortages. We still hear that today. It is always stated as a matter of a decade away. The 1990s were to see another Great Depression. It turned out to be the opposite. Were there problems? Yes, but we never revisited the 1930s.


We had Y2K alarms going off prior to 2000 and the new millennium. Surely there were some legitimate concerns among the hype that needed to be investigated. I honestly found myself thinking about what I might need to do to be better prepared for catastrophe scenarios. Although the positive aspect of it was being more conscious of having a disaster plan, especially in light of possible natural or terrorist events, in the end, Y2K came and went too. The experts, analysts, and the like disappeared, their warnings and predictions, many sincere, never transpired. 


Today it is the global warming alarm, although this one is not new to those of us that have been around a while. Since my high school days in the '70s, there have been doomsday soothsayers banging this drum. Every decade there has been a new push and a new face with the same talking points to convince a new generation. Predictions of all types have been given for our gloomy future and a sense of panic, urgency, fear, and dread of man and nature on the verge of extinction. Now we have politicians posing as experts and prophets predicting world doom within a decade. Again, nothing new!

Overwhelmingly, when most of us consider prophesy we are more often referring to that which is offered as a divinely inspired declaration of supernatural origin. Whether written or spoken, this type of prophecy comes from foreknowledge. Foreknowledge means to know beforehand or in advance. A knowledge that cannot be attained in the natural realm or through natural means therefore the source of this special knowledge, or supernaturally acquired, and is derived from one who has the power and ability to access the future and know what it holds and then reveal it to someone or through someone. This is a clear reference to a supreme being, God.


The past, as well as the present, have had their share of those who claimed to have a gift to prophesy the future. The most celebrated would be Nostradamus and his over exposed and over promoted, vague quatrains. A primary example of what is considered revealed prophecy would be the following quatrain by Nostradamus:


"The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt. An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition…conflict at Reims, London and pestilence in Tuscany."

That is about as clear as mud. Hmmm... We have a great man with no name being struck by a thunderbolt. We do not know where this takes place, or if he dies. That it was foretold by a bearer of some kind of petition, but what the petition was about or the information it contained, we are not told. And not only would there be conflict at Reims and London, but that a pestilence would break out in Tuscany. Of course, there are different types of conflicts but primarily it would normally suggest a struggle, or in this case, several struggles erupting in two locations due to this incident.


You may or may not know that this is the quatrain that supposedly represents the prediction of John F. Kennedy's assassination but then again it could be for countless great men of the past, known and unknown to the world, who may have been hit by anything substituting for a thunderbolt. A rock, an acorn, a frying pan, or something. I surely don't remember pestilence breaking out in Tuscany and there seems to be no record of it after that fateful day. Nor can the mourning of nations be considered the same as conflict.


We see that one has to read into and fill out these predictions. Their vagueness allows for multiple usages, enough so that without even getting involved with the occult, which was Nostradamus' source of influence, by the way, you too can be a Nostradamus. The one time Nostradamus stuck his neck out and gave a firm timeframe for one of his prophecies, one that history would be able to confirm, he failed miserably. He predicted the end of the world in July of 1999:


In the year 1999, and seven months, from the sky will come the great King of Terror. Resurrecting the great king of the Mongols. Before and after Mars (wars) to reign happily (Century 10, Quatrain 72)


What this has been understood to mean over the years is that July 1999 would bring about suffering at the hands of an Asian antichrist before the resurrection of the king of the Mongols. Note that Nostradamus expected war both before and after his coming. We must have missed the big news for July 1999 came and went with no antichrist, king of the Mongols, or a major war, as was predicted to have taken place.


One thing is for certain, time is the enemy of false prophets. This is no exception with Nostradamus and his failed prophecy of July 1999, thus demonstrating Nostradamus as a false prophet. He is surely not alone.


Tabloids look to the sensational to sell their papers. Prophetic predictions of any stripe being one of their bread-and-butter topics. There are false prophets as there are real ones. The standard pass/fail test for any and all prophets is provided in Scripture. It is simple. If it is of God it will come to pass. If not then that prophet is a phony. The standard room for error is still 0%, with a 100% accuracy requirement. You better be sure you are getting something from God before you speak. We are called to examine and verify whether its source is truly from God (Deut. 18:22; Matt. 7:15-20; 1 John 4; 1)


A case in point would be the history of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Watchtower, the publication arm of the organization, published on multiple occasions the coming of Christ and the end of the world. The following quotes demonstrate that Charles Russell and other leaders of this organization, who claimed to be the mouthpiece of God, were, and continue to be false prophets.


"We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble." (Watchtower Reprints, July 15, 1894, page 1672)

"The date of the close of that 'battle' is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October 1874." (Watchtower Reprints, January 15, 1892, page1355)


"In this chapter, we will present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men." (The Time Is at Hand, Studies in the Scriptures, Volume 2, 1907 ed., pages 76-77)


"The 'battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced." (The Time Is At Hand, Studies in the Scriptures, Volume 2, page 101, 1907)


This date came and went as well, but that didn't stop the Watchtower from setting others. The Watchtower went on to predict that the end of the world would come in 1918, 1925, 1940, 1941, and 1975.


The Watchtower inadvertently has admitted to being a false prophet!


"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end of the world,' even announcing a specific date. Some have gathered groups of people with them and fled to the hills or withdrawn into their houses waiting for the end. Yet, nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing was the full measure of evidence required in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them." (Awake, 1968, page 23)


Those making this statement in 1968 went on to predict 1975 as the end of the world. Thus demonstrating that they too were just as blind, guilty, and misled as those prior.


Joseph Rutherford (1869-1942), published a book entitled "The Finished Mystery", in which he predicted that the year 1918 would see God destroying churches and millions of its church members. He also claimed that by 1920 every kingdom would be consumed in anarchy. The only way to escape this coming judgment and destruction was to join the Watchtower organization.


When 1918 and 1920 passed, along with the failed predictions, Rutherford set a new date in his book   entitled   "Millions Now Living Will Never Die” (1920).  In it he stated that the millennium would start in 1925 and that Old Testament saints would be brought back to life. The WT Society built a luxurious Spanish mansion called Beth-Sarim (House of Princes) which was supposedly meant to house these patriarchs. However, Rutherford conveniently moved into the mansion in the meantime. After Rutherford's death in 1942, the Old Testament saints still had not arrived so the Society quietly sold "Beth Sarim," thus bringing to a close one of their more embarrassing chapters in church prophesy.


Ellen White, the founder of the Seventh Day Adventists, also demonstrated that she was a false prophetess.


Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, is no exception.


Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the World Wide Church of God is another example.


These are merely a few of many that have been in error, and due to that, demonstrated that God had not called them to the role of a prophet. Nor, that He spoke to them with regard to their prophecy. Organizations that are built around a leader shown to be a false prophet and teacher should be shunned. Sadly, many people continue to be associated with these organizations, leaders, or churches nevertheless. Often innocently deceived, duped, or in this case, on the subject of the last days, just ignorant of what Scripture does say.


One thing is for certain, date setting is foolishness if we would just simply read:


"But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels who are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" Mark 13:32-37


"But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father ONLY." Matt. 24:36


It is something God has reserved for only Himself to know. We may know the season but that gives only a reference. Don't hang your hat on it.


Unfortunately, the abuses, misuses, or attempts to imitate the prophetic have led many to either disbelieve, ridicule or reject it altogether. Yet, if there would be anything that would indicate the supernatural presence of God, this subject would be it. No wonder so many seek to copy and imitate the real deal. And the real deal is "The Bible."


According to J. Barton Payne's, Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy (New York; Harper & Row, 1973), the Bible has 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament, and 578 prophecies in the New Testament, for a total of 1,817. These encompass a total of 8,352 verses, far more than we are able to cover here.


For the purposes of continuing to establish the credibility of Biblical Scripture, we will look at just a few prophetic examples to demonstrate that it could only be of divine origin.

City of Babylon

Walls of Babylon - Babylon, famous for the Hanging Gardens, is considered by many as probably the greatest city that was ever built. Babylon was also famous for its fantastically structured and very massive walls. The triple walls were the mightiest ever built around any city. The Greek historian Herodotus recorded that the height of the wall was 200 feet, with 250 towers that stood 300 feet high. The walls were 187 feet thick at its base, and going 35 feet below ground. The four sides of the wall were 15 miles long on each side for a total of 60 miles.  The Euphrates River divided the city. Both banks were guarded by brick walls that included 25 gates connecting the streets on opposite sides with ferry boats. There was one bridge setting on stone piers a half-mile long, 30 feet wide, and drawbridges that were removed at night.


And yet, God said in Jeremiah 51:24-26, 37-44, and Isaiah 13:19-22:


"And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation; neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there, and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures, and ostriches shall dwell there, and he-goats shall dance there. And the wild beasts of the coastlands shall cry in their desolate houses and jackals in their pleasant places...And they shall not take of you a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations, but you shall be desolate forever, says the Lord."


There are very specific things that are mentioned in this prophetic passage:


1. Babylon's walls were to be destroyed.

2. They were to be destroyed completely

3. They were to be destroyed forever.

4. Babylon would never be inhabited again from generation to generation and would remain desolate.


Nevertheless, the Medes and Persians, through a stealth campaign, invaded the city and started the process unaware of its significance. Although the city was sacked, the destruction of her massive walls was a slow process that took centuries. They were still in existence in the time of Alexander the Great, who had determined to rebuild Babylon and make it his central headquarters. He issued 600,000 rations to soldiers to begin the work but immediately afterward he was overcome with a fever and within a few days of his order he died. They still jutted into the sky at the time of Christ. In the fourth century, some remains of the walls were still there, a stark reminder that the prophecy had not yet been completely fulfilled.


Then the most astounding event took place. Julian the Apostate, Emperor of Rome, determined to rid the Roman Empire of Christianity and re-establish paganism, was doing all within his power to destroy any belief in the Scriptures.


However, God had said that even "the wrath of man shall praise him" (Psalm 76:10)

While engaged in a war with the Persians near the remains of Babylon,

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Roman Emperor, Julian the Apostate
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although he had no idea of the prophecy that he was fulfilling,  Julian destroyed the remains of the wall of Babylon lest it afforded any protection in the future for the Persian army. And, in doing so brought the fulfillment to this prophetic word. How ironic that it came about by one of the greatest antagonists of Scripture. Today, only a remnant remains as a historical reminder of the factual nature of Babylon, the wall, and prophesy.


The most recent individual that had plans to restore Babylon in Iraq was Saddam Hussein. His plans were also dashed, his kingdom destroyed and his power stripped. After thousands of years, this prophetic declaration remains unchanged and complete. Babylon still sits as a stark reminder in an uninhabited and desolate condition.

The nation of Israel is one of the most powerful examples of God's prophetic word being fulfilled time and again. A small nation that should have been destroyed a 1000 times over if it were not that God chose them as a demonstration of His power, grace, forgiveness, His existence, and as a people for His various purposes and plans to the rest of the nations of the world. Their history is replete with the prophetic becoming reality. From God's promise to Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation, with descendants that one could not count (Gen. 12:3, 13:14-15), to warnings of persecution and bondage that history has recorded. Of God's statement that He would bless them and that they would be a prosperous people. 


We see in the Old Testament that due to rebellion and sin, God scattered them to the four corners of the world and among the nations as He warned them He would do should they continue the path they were on. Although dispersed among the nations of the world, God gave a promise, and in Ezekiel, chapters 34 through 37, we read that God said that He would restore them as a nation once again in the land that he had promised would be theirs forever.



Time passed, generations came and went but then a remarkable thing happened. After more than 2,000 years of being dispersed among other nations and despite the vehement objections of the Arab nations, on May 14, 1948, with the recognition and support of the fledgling United Nations, David Ben Gurion, as the first Prime Minister of Israel, publicly proclaimed the Declaration of the State of Israel. And like the exodus of old, the Jewish people began a modern-day exodus as they began to travel from every continent to the State of Israel. This exodus out of the nations of the world back to their homeland established the birth of Israel as a nation, and once again fulfilling prophesy in full view of the whole world. The improbable became the fact. An ancient biblical text came to life as present-day headline news. Their continual existence since then, in the face of incessant, hostile forces bent on the removal of this tiny Jewish state, reveals that this prophecy was more than just a lucky guess, but that even their present preservation can only be attributed to Divine Providence maintaining the fulfillment of this promise. The survival of the Jewish people continues to be a testament to the existence of God, and of the inspiration of Scripture.


One of the many amazing prophecies that Isaiah gave dealt with the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. What marks this as a fantastic example of the specificity of biblical prophecy is that when Isaiah gave this prediction around 700 B.C. (Isaiah 44:28, 45:1) neither the city nor the temple was in ruins. And, Isaiah gave the name of a king that would allow this restoration to take place. The name given to this king was Cyrus, a name of a king that did not exist at the time of this prophetic pronouncement. But in 586 B.C., a little over a hundred years after Isaiah spoke those words, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. Then at around 539 B.C., a Persian king by the name of Cyrus conquered Babylon. In the process, he declared that the Jews who were held in bondage by the Babylonians could return to Jerusalem with permission to rebuild their temple. This is exactly what the Israelites began to do upon their return. And so another prophetic passage came to fruition, down to the very name.


I Kings 13:2 is another example where a prophetic message was given that included a specific name. In this case, a name is given over two centuries prior to the birth and reign of the person mentioned. That name being Josiah. And, of course, the many prophesies regarding a Messiah or savior. We shall save this for later on.


Biblical prophecy sets the Bible apart with over 1,800 recorded prophetic passages. Much of which has now been fulfilled with history as a witness. Only future revelations remain. Thus far the track record stands at 100%. That is not accidental, but supernatural! As M.C. Hammer use to sing "You can't touch this!"


My question to you is this, "What do you think the chances are of the remaining prophecies coming to pass as well?" With a present record of nothing but home runs and no outs, it is safe to say that they too will come to pass. This is truly a subject worth studying further beyond these pages. I encourage you to do so.


We shall cover other prophetic passages of the Bible as they are relevant to our journey ahead.


In this chapter, we have only touched on the thousands of existing examples in science, archaeology, history, and prophecy that are available for you to discover, study, and learn. Examples that not only help demonstrate that the Bible is unique and incomparable among books but also a reliable and trustworthy resource for our journey forward. A book that holds the "key" to the answers we seek.


Although the Bible was not written to be a science textbook, what science is touched upon can be verified. And, even though the Bible was not written solely as a history book, what history is recorded among its pages has proven to be accurate, as attested by archaeology and historical records outside of Scripture. Biblical prophecy fulfilled demonstrates the reality of its source. Prophets of the Old and New Testaments made it crystal clear that what they received came from God alone.


No other sacred book, or any other book, can be defended under these same conditions, standards, levels, and scrutiny.

For those in academia, which has become a bastion of intolerance of thought and information, the mere idea of utilizing the Bible as a resource book would be absurd. Primarily because this information is found in a book to also contains topics they reject. Associated with a faith they feel they would be supporting and promoting, and a personal bias that has them recoil at the notion. Therefore, no matter how right, correct, accurate, or compelling the information is from a strictly scientific or historical aspect, it all is rejected due to this attachment. That thing about throwing the baby out with the bathwater saying comes to mind. So much for critical thinking.


However, seeing that the Bible has been a reliable source of information so far, should we not at least consider taking a look at what Scripture does say about creation? I believe so. 

In the movie "Prometheus", we find the concept of intelligent life visiting Earth to initiate the process of evolution. The movie did not present a new idea but presented it in a fresh way. It was definitely entertaining, and a movie I really did enjoy watching. 

The Bible tells us of an even larger story. It is God's story. His record of the beginning of things, the end of things, of the future beyond, and everything in between.


What is God's story?

It is the "original" Star Wars trilogy. Of good and evil. Of a battle in the heavenlies. Of struggle and victory. Of death and rebirth. Of sacrifice and pride.


The first Star Wars movie that came out in the '70s told a story that was pulled out from the middle of a longer saga. The first movie dealt with the adventures of young Luke Skywalker. The other two movies of this trilogy subsequently came out to tell the full story. One, reveals the beginning with the rise and fall of Luke's father, better known as Darth Vadar. The other reveals Luke's connection and the ultimate battle of good over evil. Or in this case, the dark side. The first movie gave only fleeting references of a time before, and of past events and left the viewer wondering about how things were going to end.

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This is a good comparison with what we find in the Bible. In God's plan for the ages, we find that the main thrust of Scripture focuses mainly on that portion of the timeline relating to God's relationship with mankind. Yet, like the first Star Wars movie, Scripture gives a few fleeting references to a time before man and provides a glimpse of the future. It is a three-part series. We are presently living in part two. With each passing day, we are getting closer to part three. As far as part one, we will need to dig a bit deeper to uncover the storyline.

In Star Wars, to know the whole story we needed to see all three movies. And so it is with the Bible. There is a trilogy with each one revealing a fuller, bigger picture. 

So buckle up! Time to dive into the story.

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