An Investigative Journey
Most of us have at least given some thought to the existence of God at one point in our lives. However, the interest in finding out whether God really does exist for many often does not warrant expending too much of our time. After all, we are simply too busy, until our time simply runs out. At that point, it is too late.
Each day on average, over 153,000 people die around the world. This is more than 6,300 people every hour. This temporary life of ours is more fragile than we realize. And, it seems that as we age the more we become aware of our mortality and the more we wonder about eternity. No matter how much careful planning and precautions we can take, there are things beyond our control. This was a lesson learned when a virus from China was unleashed upon the world. In just the first 12 months it killed five million people. People who were living their normal daily lives on one given day and then suddenly they were gone.
If only they had been given enough time to be warned that they only had a short time left to live.
What if you were diagnosed and given the news that you only had 72 hours of life left due to some incurable disease? Would spending a few of those hours seeking information to help you in making an informed decision about God be important?
How about not knowing when an unforeseen accident robs you of the chance?
Your eternal future is too important to leave up to chance!
Some time back there was a TV series entitled "A Thousand Ways To Die" that highlighted some of the most bizarre accidental means one would never think could happen. The reality is that none of us knows how much time we have in living this life. All the more reason that we should seek to find some real-world answers regarding God and eternity.

Although there is a massive amount of available information easily available today thanks to the introduction of the internet, smartphones, and wireless technology, for many, what we believe to be true and factual seems to have been reduced down to what we read or see through our personal social media accounts that someone posted, tweeted or submitted. The influence of social media is profound. Unfortunately for those who rely mostly on this means of staying informed, that information can often be limited, one-sided, biased, hearsay, rumor, speculation, or politically driven. And, it may or may not be necessarily accurate.

When it comes to the topic of God, there are many views and feelings on this subject. However, this project looks to take a rational, logical, practical, and sensible approach. It is the culmination of 35 years of study, teaching, ministry, and learning that is condensed into a reader-friendly site. The use of videos, pictures, diagrams, and more allows for a richer and more enhanced reading experience.
If you are reading this, I applaud you for desiring to take the time to embark on this journey as we explore the topic of God's existence. It is by no means an exhaustive, deep dive into the topic. It is not meant to be. Rather, it is hopefully a means to stimulate the common sense, critical thinking, and deductive reasoning in you, the reader, and serve as a launching pad from which you can dig further should you like. And, to provide an informed, solid foundation upon which to build.
To help in the process, this work is intentionally laid out in a logical, progressive sequence that allows for the natural flow of information as one moves from one chapter to the next. And so, it is meant to be read and studied in chapter order much like a book without a table of contents.
We cover topics such as: What is Truth? Atheism, Agnosticism, Early Science, Life Sciences, Evolution, Creation, The topic of Faith, Satan, Angels, A historical, prophetical, and analytical review of the Bible, The Passion, Death, World Religions, and more.
It is the hope that once you have finished, you will at least be able to make a more informed decision than you may presently possess on whether God is real.
We will take a look at history, the future, and the human condition. We will gather the necessary information and facts available for this journey. A journey that may unapologetically challenge some religious, theological, and academic understanding along the way.
It is accessible for free on any computer, smartphone, or tablet.
So, are you ready? Then let's go!